Before starting to draw up sales plans, you should analyze which products cannot be offered on Allegro. Every advertisement displayed on the website must meet the same basic requirements. This means that the products sold cannot violate the rights of third parties or be the result of theft. In addition, you may not offer products under applicable law that are not approved for trade. The proposal must not incite hatred, racism, xenophobia or conflict between nations or defame others.
For security, legal or ethical reasons, Allegro has implemented additional restrictions and does not allow the sale of certain items. The groups of prohibited goods include:
- most types of alcohol;
- databases and e-mail services;
- access and services related to viewing and listening to multimedia content on demand;
- vehicle registration certificates and cards;
- website addresses;
- prescription drugs;
- explosives and pyrotechnics;
- medical products for professional use.
Items that are not eligible for sale may not be offered as free add-ons to other products sold.
Allegro separately lists items whose sale is conditional, which means that they can be offered on the platform only after the necessary conditions are met. A complete list of prohibited or conditionally allowed goods for sale on Allegro can be found on the official website.
Choosing the right category is very important as it allows users to quickly find that product. There are two options for posting an offer:
select the product name or code from the catalog, thanks to which Allegro will automatically assign the advertisement to the appropriate category;
manually specify the product category from the drop-down list.
Within 12 hours from the date of publication of the ad, if there is no offer to purchase, you can change the category to which the product was assigned. Later this will not be possible. You should pay attention to the correct categorization of offers, because in case of an incorrect choice, Allegro can change the category for this ad or permanently delete the account if the situation repeats.
The content of the offer must correspond to the selected category for this product and match the photos in the offer. However, first of all, you should not copy descriptions from other sellers.
The title of the sentence is also important. The seller on the platform has 50 characters to use. For the title to be effective, it should refer only to the offered product, inform the buyer what the offer is about. Keywords related to the product should be placed at the very beginning of the description.
The promotion view on Allegro can be activated when creating an ad in the part of the form called “Promotion Options” or by editing the offer in the “My Offers” tab.
Using the available features, you can be sure that your ad will always be placed ahead of the offers of sellers who have not used advertising tools. Featured ads can be advertised for any number of days you decide, with payments being made on a daily basis.
Sellers naturally want more positive ratings and comments. However, it is likely that at some point a customer will leave a negative review. In such a situation, Allegro gives the seller the option to ask the buyer to remove it within 21 days of posting or rating. Allegro employees are not involved in these relationships.
Delivery methods under this offer together with the price are set by the seller. The following options are available:
- the parcel is sent by mail;
- Express delivery;
- the order is sent to the pickup point;
- pickup at the seller’s place.
Merchants can also use Allegro’s InPost delivery service, which allows them to offer buyers very competitive shipping rates. However, joining the program means you can’t set shipping prices yourself. Allegro also allows customers to take advantage of free shipping as part of Allegro Smart. Marking offers with the Smart symbol increases the chances of a sale, because Allegro covers the costs of shipping and returning packages.
You can contact us for help in placing your goods on Allegro. Our specialists will provide all the necessary knowledge to develop your online business, as well as provide the entire fulfillment complex for comfortable work. Our warehouses can be a necessary hub for sales at various sites.